Thursday, November 4, 2010

Back from the Dead

The past week and a half I have felt like a walking zombie. Take a little virus, add a nasty case of mastitis, throw in a baby with a stuffy nose that is constantly waking you up at night and you get one very sick and unhappy mommy. Thanks to antibiotics and a baby who finally let me get a couple good nights of sleep, I am back to my normal functioning self.

Now I am frantically trying to get my quiet book pages done for the quiet book swap I am participating in (due November 9th). Don't worry Emily, I have a schedule worked out and I WILL finish on time!

So what I'm saying is, I have some updating to do on this here bloggy, but it might not get done until after next Tuesday. I'll do my best.

Now for a picture (because I know you grandmas and others are dying to see the cuteness that is Mr. Corbyn Roger Phillips).

P.S. Rog has a very important "test" for work today at 3:00. If he passes, he gets a bonus. If he doesn't pass, he gets to look for a new job. So if you wouldn't mind, send all your happy thoughts his way today at 3:00! I know he'll do great, but a little extra help wouldn't hurt!
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  1. Asolutely the most adorable pic of the two of you! Just love it!!!!! So sorry you have been sick! Yuckies!!!

    Wh-what???? "...has to look for a new job?" GAH! Noooo, he will do great and get that huge shall then hand said bonus over...!

    "Dance to the Time Warp Again"!


  2. Cute Jamies Corby :)

    Excited to see my family this weekend!

  3. Oh please- Like I would ever worry about you not finishing on time. Not to worry :) Can't wait to see those pages though- I bet the are stupendous! I'm sorry you have been so sick...I had no idea you weren't feeling well. That is lousy :( Glad you're doing better!

  4. Thanks for the happy thoughts. I am so glad that I get to see the cuteness that is Corby everyday.

  5. i had a dream that Roger had to take the MMPI...that's what happens when one is a crayzee!

  6. Ice cubes! Todah Roba!

    Er'ev Tov!

    How did the MMPI go, Rog?
