Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cougar Run

Yesterday was the big day... My first race since having a baby! After taking a few months off, I had a renewed determination to run and run FAST! My goal was to run it faster than I did last year when I was pregnant (28 minutes).

Before the race Rog told me to not let him slow me up. He had a cold and wasn't feeling his best. I was planning on running up the first hill with him, but when they said "GO," I was off and I didn't see him the rest of the race.

I felt good the whole race and even sprinted the last 1/4 of the track to the finish line. And my final time...

That's right, 25:07.5! It felt so good to accomplish my goal and be back in shape! I hated not being able to exercise.

My parents came and watched Corby while we ran. It was pretty cold, so we bundled him up. He fell asleep and practically missed the whole thing. But doesn't he look cute in his first hoodie?!

Thanks Cougar Run for another great race!
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  1. Run Shauna Run . . .

    Run Roger Run . . .

    Be Cute Corby Be Cute . . .

    Smile Grandma Lori Smile . . .

  2. You rock Chief! Way to run! i truly admire the athelte in you, among many other things! :)

    You guys look so cute as does Corby!

    i am a lazy fat slug.....

    Verification "chear" !

  3. Sorry you had the sickies, Rog...but you were still looking good!

  4. Wow, way to go Shauna! Remember how we saw you guys at the Cougar Run last year and you dominated my time while being pregnant (and I wasn't)? You're amazing.
