Friday, October 8, 2010

Frog Footies

Last night we decided it was finally cold enough to dress Corbyn in his footie pajamas. I've been waiting very impatiently for this day. So first thing this morning, I had to have a little photo shoot.

Isn't he the cutest thing ever?!
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  1. Owen has those same Pjs! Love it... they could be twins. I think they could be best friends, with all their Frog stuff and BYU gear! :) He is a cutie!

  2. I bought that sleeper for Corby before he was born because his mommy likes frogs so much.

    I think the Corb likes frogs too :)

    And he looks very cute with them :)

  3. Soooooo cute and funny! Can't get enough of him!

    i wonder how long it took his toes to have enough of the footises!

    Sweaty toes! :)
