Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I made this BYU Onesie for Corby, but I didn't take into account that he is a half giant baby. Even though it says it is 6-9 months (Gerber), it is too short for him. So I decided to give it to Diana and Jason because they just announced they are having a baby in May! We're so excited for them! Hopefully this will fit their baby at some point.

I made this changing pad way back in August before our trip to Canada, but I never got around to posting it. I really like how it turned out and it came in handy many times on our trip! Directions here.

Right now I'm working on my page for a Quiet Book Swap that Emily is coordinating. I also have my eye on this ABC Book for Corbyn.

So many crafts, but so little time... Sigh.
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  1. Half Giant Babies do take a lot of work and effort. Now wonder you are very busy.

  2. "Half Giant Baby". Ha, ha, ha. But he's such a cute little Giant. That onsie is adorable.

    Diana and "Jeb" will love it.

  3. The onesie is adorable - Go BYU :)

    I also love the changing pad - very cute!

    That ABC book is cute too - I would never even attempt such a feat - you are amazing!

    Love our "Half Giant Baby"

  4. L-O-V-E LOVE the BYU onesie! It is so cute- too bad Corbyn was too big for it :( But I'm sure Diana is very appreciate of it!

    I also saw the tutorial for the changing pad....can't decide if I should make it or buy one. What to do, what to do???
