Tuesday, October 5, 2010

September Decor

The "O" for September is an acorn. But September doesn't really seem like autumn yet to me. So I decided to save my acorn to decorate with in November when autumn is in full force and make my own "O" for September. Of course it took me half the month to get to the Wood Connection and then the rest of the month to get it painted, but I'm so happy with how it turned out! I also got some other BYU football stuff to paint and decorate with, but I didn't get them done in time. There's always next year.

And here are my September plates which really were the inspiration for my "O".

I love BYU football. Yes, even if we did lose to Utah State.
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  1. Hee. It's no accident you are playing the Aggies for Homecoming!


    Come Home. To Virginia.

  2. i want to see the acorn! Ha, ha, get it? "Acorn"?

    The acorns are dropping off the trees here like crazy, all over the back porch. Thunk! There goes another one!

  3. Love your footballs :)

    I prefer watching Corby to BYU Football :)

    No acorns here in Saint George, Tracy.

  4. The football really did turn out so great!! I love it- nice work!
