Monday, November 22, 2010

5 Months

Last Wednesday was Corbyn's 5 month birthday. Oh my, this is going much too fast!

The Corb at 5 months:

*Rolls all the time - usually from his back to his tummy (only over his left shoulder), but he can also roll from his tummy to his back (over either shoulder)
*Will tolerate tummy time if he's in the right mood and if he got himself there
*Is super curious - grabs at everything within his reach
*Is our eczema baby
*Has outgrown the swing - he just tries to grab the fishies above him and get out when we put him in it
*Is learning to feed himself when we give him a bottle
*Is not a very good napper
*Is getting better at sitting up - can hold himself at a 45 degree angle rather than sitting with his face in his feet
*Is pretty good for the first 2 hours of church, but talks and talks through the 3rd hour (so much that I have to take him out of Relief Society)
*Still has baby blue eyes
*Is getting more hair, but it's really light blonde, so it's hard to tell in pictures
*Smiles at everyone

He was very interested in the 5 month sign during his pictures. What a cutie! We love him!

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  1. Did the five months sign end up in his mouth?

    We love you too baby Corby!

    Cute photos :)

  2. He is not 5 months. We just visited you at the hospital like a week ago. Crazy.

    And yes, what a cutie. Love that he smiles all the time.

  3. Wow, he is getting so big! I miss him! When are you coming to CA to visit us?!?!

  4. Happy 5 months, Corby, you cutie!

  5. Two riddles for Corby :)

    What do you break by saying my name?

    A quest for love ends with me
    Though I'm made Eternally
    Twixt her fingers do I lay
    Drop me and my name I say.

    Thank you to Rabbi Mottel and his blog "Letters of Thought" for the last one....which i think i may have already told you...doh!

    Great blog, though.

    Travel safely my loves!

  6. Oooooooooooh, when i read the answer, i chose a great riddle to e-mail you....'twas ment to be! :)
