Thursday, November 18, 2010


I shall call him Crunchy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Crunchy.

Corby loves anything that crunches. When I change his diaper he twists around (so it is impossible to change his diaper) because he knows the diaper wipes are behind him and the container is crunchy.

One of my visiting teachers told me how to make a crunchy toy. Sew two pieces of fabric with right sides together leaving part of a side open. Turn the right sides out. Put something crunchy inside - I used a small Doritos bag. Sew the opening closed. And that's it - easy peasy Japanesey!

It keeps Corby occupied and happy for hours... And that makes for one very happy mom!
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  1. Let him hold the baby wipes or the crunchy toy while you change his diaper :)

    I am excited to see him play with his crunchy - unfortunately that won't be for a VERY LONG TIME!

    Cute photos :)

  2. Cute! See how helpful visiting teachers are?! Ha ha. My sister Nicole made me (well, Elise) a little taggy blanket with a wipes bag on the inside so it will also be crunchy :) I hope my little one likes it!

  3. I love that kid! "easy peasy Japanesey!" Really?

  4. Cute, cute pictures! Great idea!

    Will it smell like Doritos ?

    (i know, i know, you throughly "wiped" down the bag!) :)

    You got the lines from the movie you like! As in ...."And she shall be called "Meg"....."....!
