Monday, November 15, 2010


Last weekend BYU played UNLV. Corby got to wear his first BYU shirt to the tailgate before the game. It was a beautiful fall day which made for some cute pictures of Corby playing with his daddy.

Grandma Lori watched Corby during the game as usual, but it was especially nice of her this game because he was sick with a cough and runny nose and he wasn't being his normal happy self.

It was a fun game to be at because it was perfect weather... not too hot, not too cold, not raining... And BYU totally beat up on UNLV!

This isn't the best picture, but I realized it's the only one we have of just me and Rog at a football game this year.

Final score: BYU 55 - UNLV 7! Go Cougs!

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  1. You two are sooo cute!

    Bah-hah...that last picture is a winner, for certian! Loving it!

    When do you play Brandiaes?

    Go Judges!

  2. Your baby is irresistible. Wish I could kiss his cheeks right now!

    Cute couple too :)
