Sunday, November 14, 2010

He rolls...

...and he does it all the time now. Not like the one time he did it when he was 1 month old.

{Thanks to Grandma Lori for finally getting it on video!}

He rolls a lot when he's in his crib which makes for some cute new sleeping positions.

He has started trying to figure out how to move forward when he's on his tummy. I could crawl by 6 months, so if he's like me, he'll be crawling by Christmas! Yikes! I guess it's time to start thinking about childproofing...
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  1. Way to go Grandma Lori :)

    Boy Corby sure looks comfortable!

    Miss you three :(

  2. Yay, adorable video, Grandma Lori (Sis!)! Soooo cute. And i love the sleeping picture. Sooo cozy!

    Wish i could see you all! :(

    i have "rolls" too, not the good kind...grrrr.
