Thursday, November 11, 2010


The Friday before Halloween, Rog's work had a Halloween party. We got to take Corby trick-or-treating around the office.

On Saturday (Halloween in Utah), we had the Pughs and Jared over. The Pughs were Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Seuss, Jared was the element Osmium, I was corn on the cob, and Rog was a pea pod. We were trying to do a vegetable theme with Corby being a pumpkin... But unfortunately because I wasn't feeling my best that week, our costumes didn't turn out too well. At least Corby was cute!

Our cute little pumpkin with the pumpkin we never got around to carving.

We had a ghoulish feast with spiderweb dip, eyeball tacos, wormy jello, and blood punch. Then we decorated sugar cookies and drew faces on jack-o-lantern cake pops (with Americolor food markers). And we watched Garfield's Halloween Adventure and Coraline.

It was a fun way to celebrate Halloween!
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  1. i love this! You all look soooo great (Pumpkin)! Corby looks darling!

    And the snacks....wonderful! You did fantastic, they look just like magazine pictures....or are they....? ;) It looks like so much fun.

    Thank you for a most Hauntingly Delightful post!

    Vlad love,

  2. PS Did you love "Coroline"?

    You could have watched it with me, but that would have ruined Halloween! :(

  3. Soooo, if Easter is on a Sunday, do you celebrate it on..........

  4. You make the cutest corn on the cob I've ever seen dear Shauna ! I can't see Roger's shirt, so I can't comment on his costume. Corby makes such an adorable pumpkin - actually a jack o lantern :)

    Wish I could have been to the party :( Instead I got food poisoning at the neighborhood block party :(

    You crack me up Tracy!

  5. I'd sure love a pumpkin cake pop right now :)

  6. Oops - make that a Jack-O-Lantern cake pop - or two or three . . .
