Tuesday, December 21, 2010

6 Months

Can you believe that Corbyn is 6 months old? Umm, I definitely can't! That's like a whole half of a year!

His stats:
Weight: 17 pounds, 12 ounces (60th percentile)
Height: 27 3/4 inches (90th percentile)

His doctor said that is right where he expects him to be because well, have you met us? We aren't exactly big people. One of these days he'll drop in the height area too. For now, he's tall and skinny, super cute, and as healthy as they come.

The Corb at 6 months:

*Sits up like a champ
*Rolls every which way
*Puts EVERYTHING in his mouth
*Treats every surface like a drum
*Is working on crawling - he can't quite figure out how to go forward, but he can turn in circles and scoot all around
*Has started to laugh without being tickled
*Likes to suck on noses - we call them Corby kisses
*Can stand up by himself when holding onto the back of the couch
*Loves to play peek-a-boo
*Is tired of all his toys (Good thing Christmas is in a few days!)

All he wanted to do was eat the sign, so we finally let him have it.

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  1. Corby is soooo entertaining
    and oh so cute :)

    I was there for the photos and can attest he was much more interested in the sign than in the cute moose!

  2. Oh, so adorable! In that first pic he looks so...expectant...like he is waiting for...something...maybe to pounce on the sign!
    Too cute!

    Welcome back, Sis! (Mom Lori)

    (Chris practically cried when he heard how you "killed" the tamales!)

  3. Or maybe like he " ...has a cunning plan." ("Black Adder")

  4. That sign never really had a chance.
