Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rice Cereal

We were so excited to finally be able to start feeding Corby solids after his 6 month appointment. Grandma and Grandpa Ririe gave him his high chair as an early Christmas present.

At first he wasn't sure what to think...

But then he decided he was a fan.

Unfortunately a few days after this, he got a sore throat and we had a hard time getting him to eat anything at all. So solid foods got put on hold. And now he's decided that he isn't really a fan of rice cereal anymore. AiYiYi!!
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  1. ha lucky you..Lily STILL hates that stuff and is allergic I think but is getting better at the jar stuff :)

  2. What a cutie!!! Scarlett preferred Oatmeal over rice cereal... She would spit up a lot since birth. So we figured she has an easy to upset tummy, but she did well with Oatmeal right at 6 mo. It also depended on the consistency... she wouldn't eat it unless it was a bit mushy. I never got the consistency right... she always had better luck w/ Seth making it. :) If your little Corbyn is doing alright as far as keeping things down... My pediatrician said even trying baby food that is for sitting uppers is good.

  3. Glad you are so patient with lil' Corby

    Maybe you should try oatmeal :)

    Cute photos - oh yeah - I was one of the photographers - haha
