Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Ornaments

Every year I make homemade Christmas presents for our family and close friends. This year I didn't have much time, but I wanted to continue the tradition. So I made these ornaments. They are quick and easy, but I think they are pretty.

I wanted to wrap them in treat bags. One night I walked around Walmart for about an hour because I was sure they would have them there, but I ended up going home empty handed. So I asked my friends on facebook where I could find them and I got a lot of suggestions. (Rog makes fun of facebook, but it really can be quite helpful sometimes.) I ended up getting them at Zurchers because that was close to where I was. I love how they turned out!

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  1. What a cute idea! If you could send me about 1/10 of your craftiness, I'd appreciate it :)
