Saturday, January 1, 2011


My brother found these cute little kitties outside the Cannon Center at BYU. We are taking care of them until Monday when we can take them to the animal shelter. We would love to keep them, but we just can't at this time. If anyone can give one or both of them a home, let us know!
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  1. Poor kittens. i hate the thought of them going to a shelter. We all know what happens there.

    i wish you could send me one. i have been wanting a cat for a long's my chance....i wish.

    MomLori needs a new cat...Cuddles is getting worn out and needs some youth and vitality in his life!

  2. Ah!! They are so cute!! But I think one human baby is going to be enough for us right now! But, really, I'm dying. I want one so bad. They are so cute!

  3. Not really being silly...well, about getting a kitty, that is...
