Saturday, December 4, 2010

November Decorations

I'm kind of ridiculously pleased with how my November "0" turned out. Before I took down the November decorations to put up Christmas, every time I passed it, I would get a huge smile on my face. And the pumpkin with squash and stuff inside. Yes, loved that too. I got it at Rod Works. And let me tell you, it's pretty dangerous that I have a Rod Works so close! I only buy things there when they have a sale going on or I have a coupon. Otherwise, we would be very poor!

I also put up my "Thankful" blocks from last year.

And I already showed you my plates for November.

We are in the process of decorating for Christmas as I write this. I love getting out my Christmas decorations. Over the year, I kind of forget what I have, so when I pull them out, it's like discovering new treasures!
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  1. Yes, your turkey (and acorn) are very nicely done - CUTE CUTE CUTE :)
    I really like your thankful blocks too!

  2. Nice set up! Your metal pumpkin is great- I love that rod works is close too. When Elise and I are at home we'll have to stop by there with you :) Can't wait for our many crafting days ahead!!

  3. I love love your home letters! They are so cute - also very cute picture of the three of you from thanksgiving! Wish we could have been there

  4. Cute decorations! I can't wait to see your Christmas stuff!
