Thursday, December 2, 2010


Here are the highlights of our Thanksgiving week.
Drove to Colorado. We had no problems other than when I tried to feed Corbyn a bottle while we were driving. He drank about an ounce and a half and then spit all of it up. We're guessing he was a little carsick from the curvy mountain roads.
{It's funny now, but it wasn't funny at the moment.}
Hit up the mall. Got some jeans for 50% off at Gap for me, some Carter's Christmas clothes for 50% off for Corbyn, a beanie and gloves for 40% off at Baby Gap for Corbyn, and this awesome ornament at St. Nicks.
{I love how St. Nicks personalizes for free!}
Learned the art of making pie crusts from Roger's dad. (He's the master.) While I was helping, I accidentally used the wrong proportion of water to vinegar. I was sure I'd ruined the pie crusts, but luckily they turned out just fine! PHEW!
Watched How to Train Your Dragon.
Thursday [Thanksgiving]:
Drove to Kathy's house and enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving feast.
{This is what Corby did while we ate.}
Introduced Corbyn to Roger's cousins and their kids.
{Corbyn took quite a liking to Ben and little Jack Jack.}
Did some laundry.
{I only mention that because I wanted to include this picture... Corby in our makeshift laundry basket.}
Watched Robin Hood.
Did Initiatory work at the Denver Temple while we had free babysitters.
Did a little Black Friday shopping at the Castle Rock Outlets. 50% off everything at the Children's Place and Carter's!
Went to the Nuggets vs. Bulls basketball game. Dixie watched Corbyn. (He was a stinker and cried for 2 hours until he fell asleep. Sorry Dixie!) The Nuggets had an early lead, then the Bulls came back, and it came down to the last few seconds. The Nuggets won.
{I accidentally wore red without thinking about it. I am NOT a Bulls fan after they beat the Jazz in 1997 and 1998 in the NBA Finals.}
Saturday [Rex's 30th Birthday]:
Took pictures for our Christmas card.
{Thank you Kenzie for being our photographer.}

Hung out at Rex and Edda's house. We took a few more pictures, but Corby wasn't really cooperating.

{Thanks Edda for catching this gem though.}

Ate at Red Robbin. We asked our server to turn on the BYU vs. Utah game. He said he would if I was wearing my CTR ring (which I was). Pretty sure he was just making fun of me, but whatever. We were able to see the 3rd quarter of the game live which was fun because we were winning at that point.

Saw Harry Potter. 2 words. FREAKING. AMAZING. Yeah, I loved it!

Watched the 4th quarter of the game recorded. Well, we watched the highlights... And yeah, we lost... But the score was BYU 16 - Utah 17... And I feel pretty good about that considering how bad our season started out. I'd probably feel differently if I was able to watch the whole game live and I had more invested in it. There were some pretty bad calls (one in particular), but I won't go into that.

Ate a yummy feast prepared by Dixie. It was like 2nd Thanksgiving and it was amazing. We got to take home leftovers and we are still enjoying them!

Played Rock Band at Rex and Edda's. It was so fun! I rocked out on the drums and I did pretty well considering we haven't played our Rock Band since we had the little Corbster and their drums had cymbals which I'd never done before.


Drove home. We had no problems until it started snowing the last 50 miles or so of our journey. It took us probably double what it normally would have taken us and Corby was screaming in the back and I was exhausted when we finally got home from trying to keep him happy. But we made it back safe and sound and that's all that matters!

It really was such a fun trip!
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  1. Wow - busy week! Enjoyed hearing about your Thanksgiving vacation and love the pics:)

  2. What a wonderful trip. Sounds like so much fun. i don't know what else to say....weird, eh?
