Thursday, December 16, 2010

Perfect ending... a perfectly awful week!

But first a little background...

When we got married we had this beautiful glass Salt Lake temple on the top of our cake.

For almost three years it sat on this shelf in our apartment.

Then we moved and it was broken in the process. So that shelf sat empty for months and months because I couldn't find anything else to put there.

{You have to look really closely... See it, next to the window? Lame, empty shelf.}

So maybe a month and a half ago, we broke down and bought a new one. We had a coupon, but we still paid too much for it.

Now to talk about the crappiness that was last week. I got mastitis, again. I woke up Wednesday morning with a really painful clogged duct. I didn't have any flu symptoms, so I started to try to unclog it. 3 hours later, I had a fever, body aches, and a headache. I was feeling so sick I literally could not take care of our baby. So I called Rog and he came home to relieve me. When he got home I was huddled in a ball on the floor with a screaming baby next to me. We called my doctor's office and got them to call in a prescription for some antibiotics. Unfortunately they took longer to kick in than they did last time. But by Friday I was feeling pretty much back to normal. So I decided to blog about our Christmas tree. I got it looking just how I wanted and then went to plug the lights in... I thought I ducked low enough, but I guess not because I bumped my head on the bottom of the shelf and...

Yes, that's what it looks like. The Salt Lake temple in a hundred tiny pieces. It was bad. I called Rog in tears.

Fortunately later that night we went to Rog's work party and won a gift card to Chili's and 4 movie tickets. And life was looking up again.
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  1. Oh, no's!!! i'm soooo sorry! First for the awful week, the sickies...then, the Temple came a'tumbling down...i almost cried for you! So sad! :(

    Hoping for better times, sweets!

  2. PS i can just imagine what Santa might be bringing you for Christmas! :)

  3. You have got to love those phone calls where the person on the other side is sobbing, so you can't understand a word. I'm glad I'm the one that Chief calls.

  4. Awww, you are a great husband and dad, Roger!

  5. I'm glad you are so understanding Rog!

    Do they make Temples in plastic?
    or metal? or rubber?
