Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

A week ago Saturday we headed out to pick our Christmas tree. Because Rog's family always had a real tree, we will always have a real tree. In our apartment, we always had a little Charlie Brown Christmas tree (like this and this). This year we decided we could get a bigger one.

{If you look closely in this picture you can see little Corbyn asleep in the backseat.}

Corbyn was pretty excited about his first Christmas tree. He wanted to help with the lights, but he got a little tangeled up.

All lit up and decorated!

Stay tuned for the rest of our Christmas decorations.
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  1. You'll do a better job of protecting your identity if you blur out your car's license plate.

    Cute kid, by the way.

    Merry Christmas to you and Rog and the little guy from me and Deb.

  2. It looks great! I especially love the star you have for the top :) Can't wait to see it in person on Sunday!

  3. YES! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for always having a real tree! :) :) :) hee hee!

  4. i LOVE that second picture!

    "He has many talents."

    "We shall build a Cult around Him."

  5. I love those pictures. He just lights up my world... get it!

  6. Corby lights up my life . . .

    I think it's great you got photos of Corby playing with the lights - very cute :)
