Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another First

We took Corby to his first BYU basketball game as a part of Rog's birthday week celebration. It was a sold out game and we got there a little late, so they said we could sit anywhere we could find a seat. The student section was FULL! So we got to sit in chairs with backs - super nice! When we first walked in Corby seemed a little nervous. He was holding onto my fingers really tight. But after a few minutes he relaxed a bit.

He had fun until everyone started booing at the refs. Such a sad face!
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  1. He was said because it was such a bad call.

  2. Oh, he is so so cute! I miss you all!

  3. Hee, so cute!

    i thought maybe he was frowning because MY team beat ya...again!

  4. Love, Love, LOVE that Corbs! What a doll. Seriously.
