Thursday, January 20, 2011

7 Months

Corby had his 7 month birthday on Monday!
The Corb at 7 months:
*Gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, but doesn't full on crawl yet. He's getting so close.
*After a few really bad sleep nights we decided to train him to sleep through the night. It only took about 3 nights and now he sleeps from about 8:30 pm to 7:00 am. Then I feed him and he goes back to sleep for another hour or two! It's totally awesome!
*Still working on this whole solid food thing. He'll gobble down a banana chunk if I put it in a fresh food feeder and he does pretty good with banana baby food, but we're still working on everything else. It's been a frustrating month.
*Hates to have his face wiped.
*Loves his toothbrush - no, he doesn't have teeth to brush, but he loves to suck on it.
*Likes to turn the pages of his books.
*Can get from his stomach to sitting.
*Loves people. He will always smile for people even if he is super tired or hungry.
*Has started to cry when we take stuff away from him.
*Is still entertained by all the toys he got for Christmas.
*Grabs at everything in sight and will work to get to things out of his reach.
He's a total stud in this new church outfit, so we decided to take his pictures in that. He was grumpy and running a low fever from getting a cold, but I needed Rog to help with the pictures, so we did them anyway. (I used to take them by myself during the day when he was happy, but now it's a two person job!) We didn't get as many cute shots as usual, but we did manage to get a few good ones.

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  1. Hi handsome little guy :)

    Still can't resist Mom's clever signs - yum yum

  2. That outfit is great looking...very handsome.
    i'm so glad you didn't get him one of those dumb looking suit things...oops, offensive...?
