Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Calling

Last Sunday morning I got a call asking if I could come meet with the bishop right before church. I was a little shocked because I had only had my calling for about 6 months. And I was a little sad because I was really liking my calling.

So of course I started freaking out about what it could be. I thought of a few possibilities... some more scary than others. When we were in the car driving over I told Rog that I thought I would be the Compassionate Service Leader. I had been serving as a member of the Compassionate Service Committee and something the new Relief Society President (who I visit teach) said to me earlier in the week made me think that could be it. And as it turns out I was right.

It's pretty intimidating, but it definitely helps that I have already been on the committee. Now I'll just be in charge. Most of what the Compassionate Service Committee does in our ward is organize meals for families with new babies. Our ward has an average of 60 new babies born a year. Yeah, CRAZY! So now I really have to pay attention to who is pregnant!

The hardest part is that I still feel like we are so new in the ward even though we've almost been here a year. I feel like I don't know anyone! So here's to breaking out of my comfort zone in a major way. Wish me luck!