Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stacey's Bridal Shower

My good friend Stacey is getting married on Wednesday! We met when we were roommates our freshman year at BYU in Heritage Halls and then we were roommates for our sophomore and junior years as well. We have so many fun college memories together! She was one of my bridesmaids when I got married and now I am going to be her maid of honor.
Last weekend I helped throw her a bridal shower with her sister, Natalie, and her mom.
I was in charge of the food. We had autumn soup, baked potato soup, green salad, rolls, ginger snap cookies, brownie cheesecake, and a hot chocolate bar.
They did a beautiful job decorating and taking care of all the other details.

A ton of people ended up coming. So many that we didn't really have enough food and plates, utensils, etc... Major Oops! So we were scrambling a little, but it turned out ok.
I didn't know a majority of the people there because most of our mutual friends now live far away! But it was fun to meet her family and friends and see everyone come to support her. These are some of the girls she served with on her mission. (She is the one in blue.)
We played the traditional interview game. It was fun to learn a little more about Derek (her fiance).
It was a date night theme and she got a ton of fun stuff! I see lots of fun date nights in their future!
I am so so so excited for her! And I can't wait to be a part of their big day on Wednesday!
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a yummy menu and fun shower!

    You are a very nice maid of honor :)

    I'm excited for Stacey!
