Thursday, February 10, 2011

Big Boy

Corby is becoming such a big boy. Not in size - he's actually quite a little skinny dude now. But in the things he does.
He sits in the cart at the grocery store.
He sits in high chairs at restaurants.
He spills water and plays with the ice.
He sits up and plays with toys.
He crawls and makes cute faces.
He plays with power cords.
{You moms with girls have bows, but I get frog hats.}
He pulls himself up on things. (As of yesterday!)
And he works hard on the computer.
Yes, this little dude is growing up right before our eyes!
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  1. Maybe he will be like Jared and love computers!

    WOOT - a couple of my photos made the blog :)

    Corby is amazing at many things - but the thing I still like best is his amazing ability to make us smile :)

  2. He is adorable! I saw those frog jammies the other day and almost bought them and sent them to you, but then I figured you probably already had them- so glad to see them on the Corbs. :)

  3. He is such a cute little boy, Shauna! And I love how he looks like he is winking in the crawling picture. You guys must be having so much fun with him! :)

  4. such a cute little guy, he really is getting so big with all he can do- it flies by doesn't it?! seems like you just had him and I was excited for my #2, and now my little guy is here. anyway i love all the pictures, he has such a cute little face and looks like a great blend of you and roger!
