Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Called to Serve

Last Thursday night Jared opened his mission call. It came in the mail Wednesday morning, but he had to wait for my dad to come up to open it. So we had plenty of time to speculate about where he is going based on how much it weighed. :) He reserved a room in the Canon Center and had a bunch of his friends come for the big reading.
Here is a little video I whipped up.
Or if you don't want to watch the video...
He is going to the Sweden Stockholm mission! He will enter the Provo MTC on July 6th to learn Swedish.
My dad served his mission in Denmark (right beneath Sweden). Missions in Europe are tough and we grew up hearing all about that from him. But surprisingly he seemed very happy about Jared going to Sweden. My mom was really nervous about him going to somewhere in South America, so she gave a huge sigh of relief (literally - you can hear it in the video) when she found out he was going somewhere she considers "civilized".
We are all so excited for him! Now we just have to convince my dad that we all need to go pick him up in July 2013!
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  1. Nice job on the video daughter!

    DONE - We were already talking about us all going over there the same evening his got his call :) It will be a bonus to finally see where dad served his mission. He returned in July of 1979 from Denmark and has never been back. IT'S ABOUT TIME!
