Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February Decor

I got my Valentine decorations up before Valentine's Day which I was super proud of because all of them are (pretty much) new this year.
I say pretty much because I did this stitchery last year, but when I pulled it out I decided I didn't like how I finished it. So I framed it and I like it MUCH better!
Emily and I had a much needed craft day a few weeks ago. We crafted while the babies took turns napping. She made a cute wreath with conversation hearts and I made this birdhouse. I love how it turned out especially because I kind of made it up as I went along.
My plates for February have hearts and cupcakes, so I did cupcakes on my table to match.
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1 comment:

  1. Your Valentine Decorations look AWESOME :)

    The cupcakes look good enough to EAT!
