Friday, February 18, 2011

This and That

A few months ago our trusty clock that we got when we were first married died on us. (If you want a visual, it can be seen here in this picture of Rog going back to school.) So we looked and looked and looked, but we couldn't find anything we liked to replace it. Finally we found this one at Tai Pan, but it was missing the pendulum. The manager said we could have it for 50% off, so we took it. But when we got it home and put a battery in it, we discovered it did not work. We had my parents look at the Tai Pan in St. George and it was there (pendulum and all)! Woot! So they bought it for us and my dad brought it up when he came for Jared's mission call opening. We love it - even more than we loved our old clock!
We have the hardest water here in Spanish Fork, but for some reason we didn't even consider getting a water softener until about a month ago. One day I just decided it was time. So we started getting some bids. The first company that came to give us a bid tested our water and it was way above what is considered "very hard" water according to some measurement they do. But we learned that water softeners are so so expensive! We got a few more bids and randomly Rog found an independent guy that would put it in for a lot less than the big companies. So on Wednesday we had him come and now we have soft water!! Hopefully this will help Corby's excema because it has been way bad lately!
For Rog's birthday he decided he wanted to get a backpack to take Corby hiking in. He researched different brands and finally made his purchase. It came yesterday, so he had to try it out. Corby seemed to like it. Now it just needs to warm up and a hiking we will go!
Last year I did pretty good at my goal to be a reader until Corby came. After that I didn't finish a single book I started. Lame, I know. I had heard about the Hunger Games, but the story didn't really sound like something I would like. But finally I decided to give it a try. I finished it yesterday and I loved it! I immediately started reading the next book in the series, Catching Fire, because I had to know what happens next. Read it, you won't be sorry!
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  1. Soo glad you liked the hunger games. And yes, soft water is infinitely better than anything else. Also you guys need some Maryland weather. it was 75 degrees today. perfect for hiking. Pretty sure it won't last but it was great for rob's day off. Miss you!

  2. Glad they had the clock you wanted in Saint George - it looks very nice!

    Yea for soft water - Corby's skin likes it too :)

    Nice job on the backpack. Corby looks happy to be there!

    Happy reading . . . .
