Sunday, February 6, 2011

January Birthday Celebration

We have a tradition with the Pughs of going out to eat for our birthdays. In November we went to Outback for Zack's birthday. Roger and Emily's birthdays are both in January. But because Elise joined the Pugh family only a month ago (December 29th), we couldn't really go out. So we got take-out Chinese and had a little celebration at the Pugh's apartment last weekend. My mom was staying with us for a few days, so she came with us. And Jared and his friend, Cailey, joined us too.
I made these polar bear cupcakes because I figured they were wintery.
They were pretty easy. I adapted them from a more difficult design in my What's New Cupcake book. I just frosted them, dipped them in some decorating sugar, put toothpicks in the spice drops, and piped the ear, eyes, and nose detail. I think they turned out pretty cute!
We also played a new game - Snatch It.
We had a great time. Happy birthday Rog and Em!
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  1. We all had a "beary" good time :D

  2. Those cupcakes are adorable! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Those were good bears. Happy Birthday to me... last month.
