Tuesday, March 1, 2011

8 Months

The Corb at 8 months:
*Doesn't like to sit still for anything - especially diaper changes, getting dressed, and getting lotioned up after a bath. He is always screaming, rolling over, and crawling away. Not the most pleasant experience!
*Crawls all over the place! He likes to "gimp crawl" with his right leg up. I'll have to post a video because it's hard to explain.
*Says mamama and dadada all the time. Probably doesn't know what he's saying, but it's fun anyway.
*Loves to knock over our surround sound speakers.
*Claps his hands.
*Shakes his head like a bobble head.
*Is doing better at eating solids. Banana is still his favorite, but I can get him to eat most other things if I add a taste of banana.
*Pulls himself up to standing on everything.

I took these pictures on Friday (with A LOT of help from my mom). I can't believe it has taken me this long to post them!
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  1. Corby - yourgrandmalovesyou!!

  2. Yea - taking those photos was a challenge - it's at LEAST a two person job - he really wants the sign - he wants to eat it!

    He is the cutest little guy and we love him dearly :)

  3. I want the picture of his wrinkled nose on there. Come on, Lady. This blog is just going down hill. I don't think I'll read it anymore:)

  4. You should put Rog in charge of pictures next month! hehe

  5. Ha, ha, Roger! :)

    Happy late 8 months, Corb!
