Wednesday, March 2, 2011

80th Birthday Bash

Last weekend we went down to St. George for Grandpa Phillips' 80th birthday bash.
While we were there:
I got a haircut that was wwwaaaaayyyy overdue! We're talking I hadn't had one since last August.
I got to go for a run OUTSIDE! A nice change from my normal treadmill run.
Rog and I went golfing with my dad.
I finally hemmed some jeans I bought in November. (Here is a great tutorial I found on how to hem jeans while keeping the original hem.)
Rog and I beat my parents at 3 puzzle races!
Corby perfected his scrunchy face.
And on to the main event - the birthday party! Roger's parents, all of his uncles and aunts, McKae and Anthony, Marti, a handful of his cousins, and friends of the family came to celebrate. We all had a great time - especially Corbyn!
Happy birthday Grandpa Phillips! We love you!
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  1. We so enjoyed having Roger, Shauna and Corby stay with us last weekend!

    The sad thing is we really tried on the puzzle races. We seem to have lost our touch :(

    Nice scrunchy face Corby dear :)

  2. Happy Birthday Grandpa Phillips!

  3. I love that picture of Corbaby.
