Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mardi Gras

Thanks to Our Best Bites, we had a most delicious Mardi Gras this year.
I made Jambalaya for dinner.
And Beignets for dessert.
Both passed the Rog test which is saying something seeing as how he served his mission in Louisiana!
P.S. I had a wonderful birthday on Saturday. A post is in the works.
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  1. That's cool you made a special Mardi Gras dinner for your Louisiana missionary :)

  2. Looks delish!

    Beads, i want beads!

    Wish i were going to services today.

  3. Look at you, very impressive! I saw the recipe for beignets and was going to make them, but then remembered we had cookies in the freezer and 2 desserts is too dangerous around here!

  4. Amen to Rachel's post above. I just watched the princess and the frog twice and was thinking about those two dishes all weekend. You would like that movie...Happy Birthday! Hooray for the great month of March.
