Saturday, March 12, 2011

Quarter of a Century

Last Saturday I turned 25. The big quarter of a century birthday! YIKES! My parents came up for the weekend. We had a great time celebrating with them!
On Friday night they took us to the Pizza Factory. We discovered that Corby loves ice!
I got my 25 pizza, but not without some work. Our waitress was pretty awful. Our conversation went something like this:
Rog: It's her birthday.
Waitress: Oh we're kind of lame for birthdays. You can get a sucker or a cookie on your way out.
Me: So you can't get your age in a pizza?
Waitress: You can.
Me: So does it cost anything?
Waitress: No
Me: Ok, then I'll do that...
A little puzzling. But at least I got my pizza!
Then we went back to our house and had a birthday cake from Macey's that I had to order myself. That conversation was pretty good too.
Bakery employee: So how old is this person?
Me: Turning 25
Bakery employee: And is it a boy or a girl?
Me: A girl
Bakery employee: Is it you?
Me: Ummm... Yeah...
Way to make me feel like an idiot! But whatever, I got just what I wanted and I didn't have to cook it myself. :)
We finished off the night with Ticket to Ride.
On Saturday we went to Kneaders for breakfast. Corby really wanted some of our french toast.
Love this picture of our family. What a goof!
Then my mom watched Corby while Rog and I went to Color Me Mine.
I haven't been able to find St. Patrick's Day plates anywhere, so I decided to make my own.
And Rog made a Y plate. I can't wait to see how they turned out. We're going to pick them up in a few hours.
Then we drove up north for dinner. On the way we stopped at Wood Connection - my favorite place ever! I got some really cute stuff that I can't wait to paint! Even Corby had a good time.
We had a few minutes to kill, so we went to Foot Locker to get me some new running shoes. We found the same ones I had on sale for $50. They've been good ones, so why not! When I went to pay for them they turned out to be only $30! Even better!
We had dinner at Olive Garden with the Ririe side of my family. My uncle Kevin's birthday is the day before mine, so we also celebrated his birthday and Jared's too.
Love Corby's eyes in this one!
After dinner we went up to the Ford's house for some lemon cream cheese pie and presents. Corby helped with the unwrapping.
I got some glitter (pictured below), a Cricut cartridge, an iTrip, a tv for my craft room, and money for a running stroller. I ordered it from REI today and we should be able to pick it up next Saturday. I can't wait to be able to run during the day and I think Corbyn will like it too.
Corby told Rog to get me a gift card to Down East Basics for $1 Billion. I'm really excited to use it because I rarely buy myself new clothes.
I couldn't have asked for a better birthday weekend. We were all healthy and feeling good and I got to spend it doing fun stuff with my favorite people!
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  1. WOW - That was quite a weekend we had celebrating my sweet Shauna's birthday!

    Ice, crayons wrapped in plastic and curling ribbon are some of Corby's favorite things :)

    Now who's the goof? hehe

    Like your bear hat Rog!

    Glad Shauna considers us some of her favorite people - That means a lot!

  2. Happy Happy birthday! A pizza shaped like your age...way better than Pirate Island. You guys look great! Love seeing your updates.

  3. What a fun birthday! You deserve it--you always make things so fun for everyone! :)
