Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Corby's First Airplane Ride and Visiting Family

My mom was able to get a good deal on a flight when she booked the flight with our hotel. The flight was from Las Vegas, so we drove down to St. George Friday afternoon. Then Saturday morning we drove down to Las Vegas and caught our flight. We were a little nervous about taking Corby on his first airplane ride, but he did pretty dang good. It helped that the flight was only 45 minutes long! It was much better than driving all the way there because recently Corby has decided he really doesn't like being stuck in his car seat.

When we were planning our trip to Disneyland, we decided we would go down a few days early to visit Roger's family in Southern California. We stayed at Steve and Lori's house, hung out with Kenzie and Irving, and even got to visit Roger's first mission president. Then we met up with my family Monday morning to start the Disneyland portion of our trip.
Corby LOVED Kenzie and Irving's dog, Charlie.

We got some good videos of them playing together.
We were so excited to meet our new nephew, Jaxon. He is such a cute little guy!
We tried to get a picture of the cousins together, but you can see how well that turned out. Corby would not sit still!
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  1. Good thing the flight wasn't any longer!

    Love his laugh on the doggy videos :)

    Cute lil' cousin Corbaby!

  2. Good thing the flight wasn't any longer!

    Love his laugh on the doggy videos :)

    Cute lil' cousin Corbaby!

  3. Well, it's obvious...you need to get a (large breed) puppy!

  4. Gotta love the puppy nose plant pic!
