Thursday, May 5, 2011


Ok people. This was hard, really hard. How do you put 5 days of Disneyland in one post? Especially since even after I went through all the pictures from all the cameras and got rid of the reject pictures, I still had 260 pictures to choose from! I had to make some serious cuts.
I'm going to make a Picasa album with all the pictures for those people who simply can't get enough of the Corb. (I'll post a link when I get that done.) But for the normal reader who doesn't want to go though a million pictures... here's Disneyland!
In case you didn't know, I am obsessed with Disneyland (and so is my mom). I went there several times when I was a kid, every year for Cheer Nationals in high school, over one break between fall and winter semesters with just me and my mom, on our honeymoon, and for the Disneyland 5K in September 2009.
Part of the deal my mom got with the flight and hotel was that you had to stay a certain number of days. So it turned out we were going to have 5 days in Anaheim. The normal person probably would have gone to Disneyland for a few days and then gone to the beach, maybe an Angel's game, or other nearby theme parks to fill the rest of the time. But we are not normal. 5 days at Disneyland, yes please! And a 5 day pass isn't much more than a 3 day pass anyway. It was perfect because we could take our time. We got to go on every ride we wanted to go on at least once and we went on our favorite rides two or three times (or in the case of Toy Story Mania about 20 times).
So here is a summary of what we did in pictures...
First order of business - get Corby a hat. That kid is white as can be. Rumor has it Irving picked up Jaxon when we left and said, "Thank you for having pigment in your skin." We found the perfect hat that said, "Not Large but in Charge." It was a little hard keeping it on his head, but he did pretty good for being 10 months old. And Grandma was able to scrub it clean every night after it got thrown on the ground all day.
Next order of business - take Corby on his first ride. We chose Storybook Land and he loved it. He was mesmerized by the lady giving us the tour.
Then we took him on It's a Small World. The repetitive singing and the boat ride put him to sleep pretty quickly. But don't worry, we took him back another day and he was able to stay awake the whole time.
He was also a big fan of the Jungle Cruise.
It was really busy in Fantasyland with lots of kids on their Spring Break. Luckily we were able to knock out a bunch of those rides on our "Magical Morning." Alice in Wonderland, Dumbo, Pinocchio...
FYI - I wouldn't recommend taking your kids on Snow White's Scary Adventure. If Corbyn had been any older, I'm sure he would have been scared. It had been a while since I'd been on that one, so I had forgotten.
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride - One of my favorites.
The Teacups - I don't ride this ride because they make me sick, but Rog insisted he take Corb on it and I think he had a good time.
Mickey's Fun Wheel
Of course us big kids had to go on our rides too. We took full advantage of the Fast Passes and Rider Switch Passes.
Toy Story Mania - as I said, this was everyone's favorite and we really did ride it about 20 times. You have to go first thing in the morning and late at night when the line is a lot shorter.
My mom took Corby on King Triton's Carousel. We were riding California Screamin' and got there just as their ride started. I was hoping she'd put him on an otter and she did! He loved it!
Thunder Mountain Railroad with my bro.

And of course we went on many more rides that aren't pictured.
In addition to riding lots of rides we also did some waiting in line. Corby put that time to good use by practicing walking.
And smiling at/charming everyone in line.
He usually rode in his Mickey stroller ($20 from Walmart - Woot!), but this was actually his favorite way to get around Disneyland.
We made sure to get him his 1st Visit pin. I had to ask all over before we finally found one. (Check out that little tooth finally poking through!)
Corby got very good at taking stroller naps.
One day while my mom and I were waiting for the guys to ride Indian Jones, we invented a game where Corby would throw his golf ball and I would fetch it. Usually he didn't throw it very far, but a few times I ended up running through a crowd of people to get it. He was a huge fan of this game, so it was worth it!
He got pretty good at eating in his stroller.
You can't go to Disneyland without getting a souvenir. Corby got some Toy Story action figures. He can suck/chew on them now and then when he's older he can play with them for real.
We taught him a new trick - We just have to say, "Yay Corby" and he'll raise his arms like this.
Time for a Tiki treat.
We had to get the perfect picture with Mickey. This was our first try. And yes, this time I'm the goof.
Sailor Mickey played peekaboo with Corby and let him taste his nose.
The winning Mickey picture. My mom says this is going in the Christmas letter this year.
Love this picture with the castle!
And just a few cute ones I couldn't resist throwing in here.
Mom and Corb
My blue-eyed boys!
And Corb with his Grandpa.
Thanks for an unforgettable trip, Mom and Dad! We had the time of our lives!!
And congratulations if you made it this far!
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  1. What a fun trip!! Corbyn could not possibly be any cuter.

  2. Your post gives me lots of hope that this Disney vacation with a baby will actually not be that difficult but just lots of it's supposed to be!

  3. Excellent job on summarizing our vacation!

    We had a great time - thank's for sharing Corby :)

  4. I'M SO JEALOUS!!!!! Of course, I'm sure you know that I too am OBSESSED with Disneyland! We were planning on going next month, but funds are low... and Shad is taking the BAR exam soon afterward. Dang. But I am DETERMINE to make it there THIS year! Looks like fun, Owen has that same $20 stroller! He's totally in LOVE with Mickey! Love it!

    Cute Pics!!

  5. Oh, wowo, sounds like you had the most wonderful time. All the picture are soooo cute, glad i don't have to pick a favotite!

    Every one of you are just adorable!

    Pretty Family!
