Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day I made these cards for my wonderful mom and mother-in-law. It was my first time using the Cricut cartridge I got for my birthday.
I also made these tin can treats using this tutorial. I sent them to my mom, mother-in-law, sister, and my sister-in-laws that are moms.
It was my first Mother's Day as a mother. On Saturday we went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse.
On Sunday I got to open my gift from Rog and Corby. They made me a card with both of their hand prints.
And got me the Our Best Bites cookbook. I told Rog this was what I wanted, but he tricked me into thinking he might have gotten me something else. I also received some cards and books about mothers from my mom and grandmas.
For dinner we had sweet and sour chicken and this delicious pie. It was kind of just a chill day, but it was good to reflect on how grateful I am that I get to be a mother.
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  1. Corby and I are grateful that you are mom too.

  2. Not only are you a wonderful Mom...you are a very beautiful Mom as well!


  3. Oh, Shauna, Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my "blob", they really touched me and mean so much.

    Love to you and Roger and the Corb,

  4. Yeah, I just got my can in the mail and I LOVE it! So cute, Shauna! Thank you so much!!

  5. I was fortunate to receive a cute owl card - Love it :)

    The can was a cute idea - you're amazing Shauna!

    Thank you dear daughter :)
