Monday, June 13, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

This last week was busy busy busy and with my grandpa's funeral tomorrow, Corby's birthday on Friday, and Father's Day on Sunday, things aren't going to slow down anytime soon!
Late Tuesday night, Diana and Jason flew into Salt Lake, so on Wednesday Corby and I went up to see them. We also got to meet Blake for the first time. And we were able to say goodbye to my grandpa.
Grandma and her two grandsons.
Corby had to check out Blake. I have a feeling these two will be trouble in a few years!
On Thursday we went to our Cafe Rio for the first time. That's right, Spanish Fork has hit the big time!
Corby was a huge fan of the pork barbacoa. How could he not be? We are very excited to have a Cafe Rio literally 1 mile away from our house.
On Friday my grandpa passed away as you already know from this post...
Saturday morning Rog and I ran the Utah Valley Half Marathon. Rog did awesome. He finished in 2:07:22. I didn't do so well. My IT band has been acting up, so I knew I wouldn't be able to run the whole thing. I was able to run 4 miles and then I had to walk the last 9 miles. I walked as fast as I could and finished in 2:45:08. Obviously that wasn't how I wanted it to go, but I was just happy I was able to finish.
My mom stayed the night and watched Corbyn for us in the morning. We were so grateful for her help especially since she had just lost her dad the day before.
Corby thought our medals were pretty cool when we got home.
I made some Apple Streusel Cheesecake Bars for a BBQ we had that night with my cooking group. We let Corbyn lick one of the beaters. I'd say he enjoyed it.
At the BBQ Corbyn was able to overcome his fear of grass and he also had his first ride down a slide. Woot!
On Sunday Jared gave his farewell talk and Jason and Diana blessed Blake in the ward my mom grew up in. (Jared's official farewell will be in St. George in a couple of weeks, but he did this one in Salt Lake for our friends and family up north.) We had a luncheon after at the Ford's house.
Jared and Blake - the stars of the show!
The Hobbs family.
Sisters and our boys.
My grandma had my dad get out this bench just for Corby. Yeah, he's pretty cute.
After the luncheon we hung out for the rest of the day. I thought this picture was just too funny! Jared playing with his camera, me holding Blake, and Diana working on her blog. It doesn't get more candid than this.
Phew! What a week!
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  1. Chief's finish was really impressive. She did amazing!

    Blake is pretty cool.

    I love the last picture of the original Ririe's. You three look so funny.

  2. You guys rock! It has been so fun to be able to visit with you and i love Corby's antics, he's a sweetie alright!

    All of the pictures are fantastic, as usual, i especially love the one with the Sis's and their boys and g
    Grandma and her Grandbabies!

    Thanks for sparing me the camera! ;)


  3. PS i've never seen a bad pic of any of you....guess it just doesn't happen!

    Pretty, pretty families!

  4. Busy busy indeed! I hope it slows down a bit. Looks like you have been doing a lot of fun things though! Congrats on the half marathon. I would have given up- really! You did awesome!

  5. It was such a busy week that I didn't even have time to comment!

    I sure love my family. Good thing I have them to keep me company as I miss my dear dad!

  6. Very nice pictures, very cute baby! good blog
