Friday, June 10, 2011

Goodbye Grandpa

I had a few posts I was going to do today about some stuff we've been doing this week, but it didn't seem appropriate that I do those at this time.
Last night my Grandpa Ford passed away in his sleep. His long fight with cancer has finally come to an end. I really feel like it was his time to go and I'm glad he doesn't have to suffer anymore, but it is still hard.
He was such a great man - so hardworking, kind, and loving. He was always thinking about others and putting their comfort above his own. He loved his family and did everything for us.
Today I am grateful for the blessing of eternity. So, goodbye Grandpa, until we meet again. I love you!

{My grandpa, Diana, me, and my dad}
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  1. What a beautiful tribute, Shauna.

    Thank you so very much!


  2. Cute Picture and sorry again about your Grandpa :( That was such a good little tribute, he sounds like he was an outstanding person! Bitter sweet goodbyes are good for the soul :) love ya girl!

  3. Thank you for your thoughts dear daughter. Truly a sweet tribute to my daddy!

    I like that photo because it reminds me of my dad when he was healthy :)
