Thursday, June 23, 2011

Father's Day

For the past 2 years, Father's Day has kind of been overshadowed by Corbyn's birthday. Last year we brought Corby home from the hospital on Father's Day and this year was his 1st birthday, so I was busy all week getting ready for that.
Rog is the BEST dad ever. Seriously he helps me so much with Corbaby! I hate to admit it, but there are days {when Corbyn isn't being a perfect little angel} that I can't wait until 5:40 when I know Rog will be home from work to help with him.
He almost always gives him his bath. They splash and play and have a great time!
To celebrate Father's Day this year we took Rog out to dinner at Applebees on Saturday night. Then we let him sleep in on Sunday morning. We had to go in and wake him up at 10:00, so he could get ready for his Sunday morning meetings at 10:30. I had made cinnamon rolls (his favorite) Saturday night, so he had one of those for breakfast. And for dinner we had roast, carrots, and mashed potatoes.
But I hadn't had time to get him a gift (or make anything to send to our dads). Yesterday I finally got it together. I made these cards using this tutorial. And the popcorn treat using this post and printable.
And I got some shoes I knew Rog was wanting. This morning Rog opened his gift (only 4 days late).
Corby of course loved the ribbon on the popcorn.
And today I am going to mail the cards/popcorn to our dads. {I don't think either of them check this on a regular basis, so I figure I'm safe posting about it.} Better late than never, right?!
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  1. I agree about Roger - He is a totally AWESOME Dad :)

    Incredibly creative gifts - I'll keep it a secret - hehe

  2. Hey I made Jason cinnamon rolls on Saturday night so that he could have them for breakfast on Father's day! Great minds (and sisters sometimes) really do think alike:)
