Monday, June 27, 2011

Last Week

After Corby's 1 year appointment on Monday, we started to make the transition from formula/breast milk to cow's milk. I had heard from a friend that she did the transition cold turkey. She got rid of all the bottles and formula and just made her little boy drink milk from a sippy cup. She said it took a few days of him not getting very much, but then he figured it out. That sounded pretty good to me, so I thought I'd try that. Ha ha. I did not last long. I just get so anxious thinking that he's getting dehydrated.
So now we are doing the gradual approach. Mixing formula with milk, heating it up, and giving it to him in a bottle. Gradually decreasing the amount of formula and increasing the amount of milk. And then we'll do the same thing to get him used to cold milk. I'm sure the hardest part will be breaking him of his bottle. My goal is to finish the transition by 18 months. Wish me luck!!
Other than that our week was pretty normal.
On Friday afternoon Corby's Aunt KD came and watched him while we went to the temple. We did sealings which was nice. We've been to a lot of sealings this year - my friend Stacey's, Roger's cousin Kyle's, and my cousin Brady's. But this was the first time this year we did sealings for the dead.
On Saturday we hiked to Stewart Falls. It starts at Aspen Grove and is an easy to moderate hike 2 miles each way. When you go to Aspen Grove, they take all the kids on this hike. So I grew up doing it every few years. It's a beautiful waterfall!
This year because of all the late snow we got in May, there was still a ton of snow covering where the river usually is. There was a cavelike opening where you could see the river running.
I've never seen it with snow like this, so it was totally weird to me!
It was probably better this way because we didn't have to worry about Corbyn falling into the river. He had fun playing with the sticks.
On the way back he fell asleep with his daddy carrying him.
We planned to do a few errands after our hike and then get home in time for dinner. But we didn't account for how long the hike would take. So we ended up eating at Five Guys. And we didn't have any food for Corby, so we bought some baby food while we were at Walmart and fed it to him while he was sitting in the cart. It was pretty funny!
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  1. What a cool kid! Chief didn't mention that the hike nearly killed me.

  2. Awww, the hike would have actually killed me, Roger!

    Looked like such fun, though! Love the cute family phote, and Corby with the sticks ia just adorable!

    When are you coming for supper???? i will run some main course choices past you and will even make cupcakes...they won't be anywhere nearly as good as Chief's, (Chef's), but there is this design i have been wanting to try for m o n t h s!

    Love you,


  3. Now there's a hike I've actually been on!

    The photos are priceless - LOVE THEM :)

  4. Glad that Corby gets his bottle awhile longer :)
