Monday, June 27, 2011

June Decorations

I've had my decorations for June finished and up for a few weeks now. They were up before things got really busy around here - you know, when my family came and we had a farewell, baby blessing, and funeral in a matter of days. Not to mention our half marathon, Corby's birthday, and all the regular stuff we do. I figured that since I'm already working on my July decorations, I should blog about my June ones.
I pulled out my June decorations from last year and decided to scrap them. Ok, not all of them. I kept the "o" from HOME. I've just learned so much since last June and I knew I wouldn't be happy with them. So this is what I came up with.
I'm particularly proud of this little baby. I love Subway Art, so I decided to create my own design for June. I just cut out a bunch of picnic words in different fonts on my Cricut in vinyl.
Here is my shadow box for June.
And my plates are from last year too - watermelons of course!
I love how everything ties together... Watermelons... Picnics... Lady Bugs... Sunflowers...
Happy picnicing everyone!
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  1. Love it! You are such a classy Lady! i'm doing good if the outside Halloween decor gets up!

    "Subway Arts"? i thought they made delishious sammies! Guess you know where MY mind is!


  2. You've done it once more - nice work daughter dear!

  3. As previously said, LOVE the 'subway art' so cute.
