Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Corby's Grandma and Grandpa Phillips came into town for Memorial Day weekend. They won't be able to make it for Corby's actual birthday, so we got to start his 1st birthday celebration a little early.
On Saturday they took him to Toys R Us to pick out a couple toys. This clip shows what we ended up with.
He's been having a lot of fun playing with them this week. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Phillips!
We had dinner at Zupas. It was pretty much the only time I remembered to get out my camera and snap a few pictures.
Corby with his grandma.
Some family school rivalry with his Aunt KD.
On Sunday afternoon we had a BBQ with both sides of our family. Well, everyone that was close enough to come anyway.
We had hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled corn on the cob, watermelon, coleslaw, baked beans, chips, and colorburst cupcakes.
We didn't let Corby dive into a cupcake just yet. He has to wait until his actual birthday for that. But he did manage to get a wrapper from the garbage can. I think it's safe to say he will enjoy his cake in a few weeks. What do you think?
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  1. Oh, i love it, i love it! The picture with the wrapper is so adorable!

    Mean mommy and daddy, making Corby wait! ;)

    The cupcakes are so cute. Too cute to eat, evidently!

    Gotta love Aunt KD! ;)

  2. You should feel honered. Yours is the only blog i can post on, 'cause of these #@$^%&$ computers here!

    Ha, ha!

    Can't wait to see you three again!


  3. Glad the Phillips family got to come for a visit.

    We always enjoy spending time with them.

    The Barbecue was awesome!

    Love the photo of Corby with the cupcake wrapper :)
