Monday, June 6, 2011

Here comes the sun

The sun has finally started to make an appearance around here. It seems we have skipped spring and we're headed straight for summer, but I'm not going to complain. Bring on the sun!
On Friday after Rog got off work we went up to Sandy for a much-needed Pugh hangout.
Corby and I drove up to meet Rog at his work and then we drove up to Sandy from there. We stopped at Krispy Kreme for National Donut day on our way to pick up Rog. I didn't think they would, but they gave Corby a free donut too. Corby was nice enough to share his donut with his dad.
We had dinner at Hires and then went to Wheeler Farm. Corby loved looking at all the animals and walking around.
He found the perfect stick and he was good to go!
They had everything you would find at a farm including some authentic farm equipment.
We gave Corby a bath and then played a quick game of For Sale before we had to head back home. It was a quick visit, but it was sure good to see the Pughs!
On Saturday Rog gave our cars the deluxe treatment. They both got oil changes, their tires rotated, car washes, and vacuumed out! Corby helped a little, but mostly I had to keep him out of the way which wasn't fun because he just wanted to be out in the garage with dad!
We wanted to go on a hike to enjoy the nice weather. We decided to do a short, easy hike to Grotto Falls in Payson Canyon. Because of all the rain and snow we got in May, the stream was a lot more like a river.
We took 2 pictures at the falls. This one where Corby doesn't really look all that happy and another one where Corby looks happy, but Rog's eyes are closed. {I really need to learn how to use Photoshop, so I can fix things like that. Does anyone have any tips for learning Photoshop on your own? I have the program. I just don't know what to do with it!}
So here's some proof that Corby did in fact have a good time.
When we got home we grilled up some delicious Bacon-Wrapped Teriyaki Chicken Skewers. Next time I'm going to make some extra teriyaki sauce to serve on the rice and Rog says we have to cook them in the oven because they made a huge mess on his grill. But they really were spectacular.
We had a little picnic out in our front yard.
We were supposed to have Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie for dessert, but it did not turn out at all. We're talking epic failure here people. I was so looking forward to it because Rachel has said it is so good on multiple occasions. I don't know what happened because I used real butter and everything, but it was a huge, gooey, didn't-set-up-at-all mess! So if you're reading this and you think everything I make in the kitchen is a success... here's your proof that I'm definitely human!
We had a great weekend enjoying some warm sunny weather for a change! Now it just needs to warm up a little bit more, so we can go enjoy our Pass of all Passes at Seven Peaks!
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  1. We'll see if he still wants to help dad in the garage in 13 years.

  2. Ha, ha, Roger!

    So many great pictures! Especially love the one of you guys crossing the river of water and the cute one of Roger and Corb......Amd the final one of Mom and sweet!

    Sorry 'bout the pie failure...even you dear, can't be perfect ALL the time! You would be taken up in the Rapture!

  3. Did you add the flour?

    Dumb question, i'm sure you did!


  4. I was actually just thinking that! She always cooks the yummiest looking stuff, Mrs Betty crocker Phillips :)

  5. You are killing me Shauna. You are sooooo shy at church and outside, but on this blog you are a chatter! I totally LOVE IT! you are hilarious and I totally LOVE this blog of yours! You guys do a lot together which is amazing. I love how you guys spend a lot of time with the family. Corby is our favorite little guy....he totally loves me I just know it. Sunday school will not be the same wiht out him when he turns 18 months! Well probably see you at 7peaks cause we have the pass of all passes as well. SO FUN! You guys are amazing cooks..... RUB IT IN!

  6. Try this recipe. Just add 2 cups choc. chips instead of the mixture of choc chips and toffee:

    - Ashley Hoopes

  7. Oh Corby is such a cutie!!! He looks like a completely content and incredibly happy little man :) and your food descriptions make me want to cook again (Hilton says thank you! He has been starving during this pregnancy)

  8. Totally need copies of these photos - Very cute family!

    Good job being adventurists :)
