Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Picnic at a Park with the Pughs

On Friday night we had a picnic at a park with the Pughs. (Say that 5 times fast!) Because they are in Sandy and we are in Spanish Fork, we thought we'd meet in the middle. I found a park pretty close to Thanksgiving Point and we met there. We were worried that it would rain, but it turned out to be perfect weather for a picnic.
Corby had fun going down the slides. He went with me...
And with Rog...
And even all by himself! Such a big boy. When he got to the bottom he would start to climb back up and he was actually pretty successful. But of course when I tried to get it on video, he stopped.
He also had fun swinging. Elise is a little young for the swings, but we had to get a picture of the two of them swinging together. You know, for their wedding video. :)
And we thought we'd get a picture of the six of us. I'm pretty sure this is the first picture we've taken of the six of us. (How sad is that?!) The babies aren't really smiling, but they're both looking, so we'll take it!
I made oreo cupcakes for dessert.
You follow the directions on a box of white cake mix. You just add about a cup of crushed oreos into the batter after you've got it all mixed up. I frosted them with some buttercream frosting I had left over from Corby's birthday party and sprinkled some crushed oreos on top. Easy and very yummy!
The rest of our weekend was not very eventful. We worked on some projects around the house during the day on Saturday. After dinner we tried to go to Trafalga, but the traffic on the freeway was horrible, so we ended up turning around and coming home.
I made some Jello Popcorn to take to a sister in our ward who always helps me out when I'm trying to find people to take dinner to someone. The first batch I made was a total disaster because I used a big box of Jello when the recipe actually calls for a small box. Oops! But then I tried again with the correct amount of Jello and it was amazing! I made it with lemon Jello because that's what I had in my pantry. It looked like caramel popcorn although you definitely knew it was lemon when you tasted it! I'm excited to try out some other fun colors!
I also made some Fresh-Squeezed Strawberry Lemonade because I had some lemons and a batch of Strawberry Sauce that needed to be used. It was the best lemonade I've ever had, but I decided that if I'm going to start making it on a regular basis, I need at least a hand juicer. Although their tips about juicing limes and lemons did make it a lot easier!
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1 comment:

  1. Glad Corby enjoyed the slide and you two also!

    Good thing you got the photo for their wedding video :)

    Nice photo of the six of you too!

    The cupcakes look professionally frosted. Impressive and delicious too I bet :)

    I think there is a juicer that goes with the mixer I gave you.

    Sure, I would love some lemonade :)
