Friday, July 15, 2011

Destructo Baby

Yesterday afternoon was kind of rough at our home.
First Corby decided to pull all the pins out of my pin cushion one by one. I know I should have made him stop, but I was too much in awe at his fine motor skills required to be able to do such a thing. So instead I just picked up each pin after he pulled it out. And took this video.
Then he pulled out an entire roll of floss.
And while I was making dinner he emptied an almost full bag of tortilla chips all over the floor.
I thought (and hoped) the destructo baby would disappear after a good night of sleep. But when I got out of the shower this morning I found this.
Oh dear! Whoever took my sweet baby and replaced him with destructo baby, please bring him back!
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  1. Thanks for entertaining us Corby :)

    Sorry Mom you are left with all the mess from the entertainment :(

  2. Ha, ha, ha! He certialy is talented! ;) A desinated "No Bare Foot Area" for a few moments!

    Poor mom, hope the Changeling left and the realy Corby was safely returned!

  3. wow he's ADORABLE! haha but a bit of handful, too!

  4. Priceless pictures! For the wedding video one day, right?! Ha ha.
