Sunday, July 17, 2011

Water Fun

The past few days we have been having lots of fun in the sun.
On Friday Corby and I went to the North Park in Spanish Fork where they have a fun Splash Pad. He was a little tentative at first, but got braver the longer we were there. I knew he wouldn't play in the fountains alone, so I dressed in my swimsuit too. I was worried that I'd be the only adult playing, but as you can see from this picture, I wasn't alone. There was a cute grandpa there with his grandkids and lots of moms in the same situation I was.
On Saturday KD came down from Salt Lake and went to Seven Peaks with us. We took turns playing with Corby and going on the big kid slides. We went on the new Aqua Racer for the first time and loved it. It is definitely my new favorite slide!
Family photo in the kiddie pool.
Seeing the back side of water in the Mushroom Top.
We took Corby down the kid slides with us for the first time.
Going down with dad and mom.
And going down with Aunt KD.
We had a great time! Thanks KD for joining us!
*You might notice that I have a new swimsuit. I got my last one in 2008, so it was high time I got a new one. I ordered it from Lime Ricki. And I learned an important lesson. Don't order swimsuits online. Or if you do, and it doesn't fit perfectly when you get it, send it back. When I got it, the top was too big. But I didn't want to pay to return it and wait for a new one to come. So I thought, it'll be ok. After going to Seven Peaks on Thursday and wearing it for the first time, I knew it wasn't going to work. But it was too late to return it because I'd taken off the tags and worn it. So I spent Friday night sewing up the sides and hemming it and now it fits great. And I really love the design. I just wish I would have saved myself all that effort and just exchanged it. At least I know how to sew and was able to fix it!
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  1. Cute suit! That is basically the style I have from last year but a different print. Good choice! I'm sorry it didn't originally fit you-that is a bummer! Certainly a good thing you can sew!

  2. If i didn't know any better, i would think your family has webbed feet and gills!

    Great pictures and you look swimsuit amazing!

  3. Yep Corby is definitely a water baby!

    And a cute one at that :)
