Friday, July 15, 2011

Relief Society Crafting

In April our Relief Society made temple blocks at an activity. I was actually at Disneyland when they had the activity, but I ordered one of the blocks to make later. I wasn't in love with the picture they used, so I made my own with a picture Jared took. I added the words and had it printed out at Costco. I love how it turned out!
Then in May we made FHE jars at an activity. I wasn't in love with the lettering they used for FHE, so I made my own. (See a pattern here? I guess I'm picky.)
They have slips inside that have your FHE all planned out - the song, scriptures, and topic. You just have to pull one out and FHE is ready to go!
I was thinking it was time for some new decorations on our entertainment center and these are perfect!
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  1. Did you read that hilarious article about FHE in the "Mormon Times"? Priceless!

  2. Very nice Shauna - and great ideas for a "forever" family!

  3. Cute! I love the FHE jar- do you have the slips of ideas still? Would you mind sharing those with me?! That would be awesome!
