Thursday, August 18, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

A few weeks ago Rachel did a post about her guilty pleasures. And it got me thinking... What are my guilty pleasures?
After much contemplation, here you have it!
Orange Slice Candies. These little babies are so good! They're kind of old school, but I love them. I try not to buy them every single time I go to the grocery store. But every so often, I give in.
Happy Hour at Sonic. If I'm out and about and pass a Sonic between 2 and 4 in the afternoon, it's really hard to resist a half-price beverage. Usually it's a Strawberry Limeade, but sometimes I get a Lemon-Berry Fruit Slush to mix things up.
Rod Works and Wood Connection. If you are a regular reader of this blog, this shouldn't surprise you. I love decorating my house each month and these stores make it possible. I only buy stuff at Rod Works when I have a coupon or when they have their seasonal stuff on sale. But with Wood Connection, coupons are hard to come by. So I splurge on stuff from there. I always tell Rog that it's better that I love wood than clothes.
What are your guilty pleasures?
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  1. I thought of another one of yours - Twizzler's Bites :)

    Some of my guilty pleasures:

    Dark chocolate, cinnamon bears, Cheryl's buttercream frosted cookies, Going out to dinner, etc. . .

  2. Books, books....and more books!


    Watching Neil Patrick Harris' Opening number for the 2011 Tony Awards....over and's adorable! (You Tube!)

    Cheese (those wedgies no one else liked!) and crackers!

    Frosted sugar cookies!


