Thursday, August 18, 2011

14 Months

The Corb at 14 months:
*Says "this" and "that" when pointing to things that he wants.
*Loves to unload everything. That's not new, but now he will try to put things back after he is done unloading.

*Is loved by all the neighborhood kids. When we go outside, they all run up to play with him.
*Loves Bo Bo the monkey. If we ask him where he is, he'll go get him. And he likes to have him in his crib when he takes a nap or goes to bed for the night. He also loves giving his Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal hugs.
*Goes up and down stairs like a pro! (Finally!) So we decided we could take down the gate at the top of the stairs.
*Colors with chalk and crayons. But he doesn't understand that you are only supposed to color on the sidewalk or on paper, so we have to watch him constantly!
*Will come sit in my lap and listen to me read him books - if he's in the mood. He absolutely won't sit still if you try to force him.
*Only takes 1 nap a day. It's been a rough transition for us, but hopefully we'll figure it out soon. If I try to give him a second nap, it's never a good experience, so even if I know he's tired it really isn't worth it anymore. That being said, he usually goes down for his first nap so easily and wakes up in the best mood.
*Makes lots of curious noises with voice inflection.
*Likes to flip things around - like his washcloth in the bathtub. He also has figured out how to pour water which sometimes makes for a very wet bathroom and dad!
*Likes to "tickle" us.
*Loves popsicles. Today he insisted he have both of these popsicles at snack time!
We love our little guy!
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  1. He's changed so much in the past two and a half weeks since we saw him last! Time to visit Grandma Lori and Papa George :)

    He is absolutely adorable - Can you post those photos on drop box when you get a minute?

  2. Miss you three soooo much!

    Just love the monkey photo!

