Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Let's go back... last Thursday - before our summer parties. I'm blogging out of order because I forgot to take pictures of this event, so I didn't think I'd blog about it. But then I decided I didn't want to forget about it. So you get flashback pictures for this one.
Last Thursday night we had a freshman reunion of sorts. We had Stacey and Amy (and their husbands) over for dinner, dessert, and games. Amy is currently living in Boston, but she was in town for a few weeks, so we decided we had to get together! It was my first time meeting Amy's husband, Trent, because we were in St. George for their reception. He is such a great guy!
We had so much fun talking and remembering fun things from our freshman year. I love these girls so much and am so grateful we could meet in good old Rogers 97 in Heritage Halls.
It was also fun looking through old pictures from that year. These pictures are from a trip we took down to Las Vegas the summer after freshman year. Stacey and Amy drove down to visit me in St. George. We were planning on swimming and playing in the sun, but it turned out to be a crappy day - which rarely happens in St. George in the summer. So we decided to drive down to Las Vegas.
We ate at the Rio buffet.
And then walked the strip and saw all the sights.
Now what blog would be complete without me telling you about something new I cooked? For dessert we had this. Rog had been begging me to make it for quite some time and it did not disappoint. I left out the malted milk balls because neither of us is a huge fan of them. It was so good - the perfect treat for a summer night!
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1 comment:

  1. Glad you did this post even though you forgot to pull out your camera :)

    I am happy you are still friends with some of your freshman roommates!
