Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Parties

Friday night was the KLAS summer party.
They had a bounce house.
Cotton candy.
A huge blow-up slide.
And sumo wresting. (Rog got his butt kicked by one of the guys he trained on his mission who now works with him - Bryce LeBaron for those of you who know him.)
It was mighty hot, but we had a great time playing as a family.
Saturday night after a packed day of running, playing at Seven Peaks, and making freezer meals, we had our ward block party. They had a slip-n-slide which Corby was a little young for, but he had a great time playing in this fountain.
Again it was hot, but there was enough shade for the whole ward to hide under.
We had a fun weekend partying it up and enjoying lots of free food!
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  1. Looks like such great fun!

    Umm, can i trade my life for yours? :(

    i have heard "The Help" is a wonderful movie, you probably already know that.

    Miss you three already!


  2. PS You knew it had to come....did any neighbors not from the ward come?

    Found a fantastic new seris, if you have Starz...(Grandma!) "Torchwood Miracleday" It's cool. There's alway renting it went it comes out on disc....this promotion was paid by........

  3. Sounds like a fun time was had by all!

    Can you upload these photos to drop box for me:)

    Missing you :(
