Wednesday, August 24, 2011

St. George Quicky

Last week Roger's dad and sister were in St. George helping his grandparents put in some new flooring in their den. We decided to go down for a quick visit, so Rog could help them finish up on Saturday. We went down Friday afternoon and came home Sunday afternoon, so it really was super quick, but we fit in a lot while we were there.
Of course there was eating out (at Wingers and 5 Guys). And swimming in my parents pool. Two things that always make a vacation great!
On Saturday while Rog was helping over at his grandparents' house, we did some errands with my parents. I got my hair cut and Corby went with Grandma Lori to Walgreens. He loved playing with the balls!
We found a killer deal on chicken. $1.39 a pound if you bought 40 pounds. That wasn't a problem because I needed a ton of chicken for freezer meals. (Which I finished making yesterday! 30 meals! Woot!!) So we ended up spending all of Corby's nap cutting off all the fat and cutting some of them into 1 inch cubes. I was glad to have 2 helpers! Thanks mom and dad!
Corby and I went over and visited everyone after they were all finished. Corby loved the piano at Grandpa and Grandma Phillips' house! (If he has any musical talent, we will be very puzzled about where it came from.)
For the first time since we've been taking the Corb down to St. George, he really took an interest in Cuddles. He sat on him, pulled his tail...
Gave him huge hugs, and generally just terrorized the poor cat!
But Corby's favorite part of the whole trip was throwing the billiard balls into the pool. He loved watching them sink down to the bottom.
And Rog loved fishing them out for him to do it all again!
Thanks St. George for another fun visit!
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  1. Looks like fun! I could go for a pool right now! I still can't believe that cuddles is going strong! Love that fat cat. He and Corbin will be best buds in no time!

  2. That was a quick trip, but it was really fun.

  3. You are welcome back any time - Fun times and great memories!

  4. Your guys are so cute! I want your freezer meal recipes. :)
